I am proud to use a wax that makes the treatment almost PAINLESS. The type of wax I use has a lower melting point and completely envelopes the hair. The lower melting point results in wax being applied to the skin surface at lower temperatures minimizing the chance of burning. Having a wax that completely envelopes the hair reduces the need to re-wax the same area repeatedly, it also reduces the number of hairs breaking and that reduces the risk of ingrown hairs.
Continued hair removal through the waxing process actually slows the hair regrowth over time. This will allow for more time between waxing services. As the density of the hair subsides, the waxing services will take less time and continue to become less painful.
Facial Waxing
Eyebrow Maintenance Wax (under 4 weeks) $22
Eyebrow Reshaping Wax (over 4 weeks) $32
Nose/Ears $25
Upper Lip $17
Lower Lip $5
Chin $22
Sideburns $29
Neck $33
Full Face $90
Full Body Waxing
Chest $60
Stomach $60
Back $60
Full Arms $46
Half Arms $25
Full Legs $60
Half Legs $30
Under Arms $19
Bikini $44 Woman’s Brazilian $78
Woman’s Dairy Aire (buttocks) $38
*Additional $10 charge if trimming is necessary.
Waxing Precautions
- Three Days or 72 hours Prior/After Discontinue using Retin A, Renova, Tanning, and Sun bathing.
- Hair should be 1/4 inch long (at least 2-3 weeks long)
- Take two Advil or Tylenol 30 minutes before your appointment.
- Discontinue the use of Accutane for 6 months Prior to Waxing.
- Exercising before appt, drinking caffeine, being near your menstrual cycle and extreme nervousness can sometimes can cause some discomfort.
- If you are prone to ingrowns you can purchase some products that help but waxing should reduce ingrowns.
- For all the “first timers” out there….. It really is not as painful as you think it will be. I have your complete confort in mind, so I welcome you to lie back and relax. We will get through this together.