Next time you book your spray tan appointment remember this for the day before your appointment.

I hear all the time and I try to remember to remind everyone a day or two in advance but some get through the cracks.
Showering right before coming to your spray tan is a No-No!
I hear it ALL the time when I’m greeting you for your tan. “I’m all ready for my tan, I just rinsed off!” What am I thinking when you say this?
What happens when we shower or bathe in the hours leading up to our appointment?
• Pores are “enlarged” from soaking in hot water, meaning the dreaded spotty tan is much more likely. When the pores are “open”, they are likely to allow the cosmetic bronzer to settle in them, leaving you covered in tiny black spots. Not
• Your skin will hold onto that moisture from the shower, and when I spray you, the solution will bead on your skin, and either not fully absorb, or take forever to dry, which can leave you with less of a tan.
• When you shower, it takes time for the PH of your skin to return to normal. If we don’t have that ideal PH, you may be end up with less of a tan than you usually would.
• Residue from soaps, conditioners, razor strips can impede the solution from absorbing properly, leaving you less tanned, or even streaky.
What’s the best route? Shower, shave, exfoliate the day or evening before the day of your tan. If you absolutely HAVE to shower the day of your tan, try to make it quick, and avoid hot water.